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Foodgrains Production: From asking for wheat to distributing wheat, you will be proud of this ‘Anna Yatra’ of India

Foodgrains Production

Foodgrains Production: India had been a net importer of grains for a long time. But now our country has become a net exporter of food grains. India’s food grain export data shows that it was negative from 1951 to 1981. After this, in the year 1991, net exports turned positive.

In the year 1943, about 20 to 30 lakh people died in the Bengal famine. After 4 years, the country was partitioned. India got 82% of the population, but only 75% of the total foodgrains production came to us. Food security was our biggest concern. Lal Bahadur Shastri became the PM after the death of the first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru in 1964. During his time there was a huge food crisis in India. America offered to give grain, but at the same time there were many conditions. It was also about the self-respect of the country. Shastri asked the people of the country to observe fast for one day in a week. He said that due to this the availability of food grains will remain in the country till the next crop arrives. At that time starvation was a big problem in our country. At the same time, today the condition is that we are exporting foodgrains to big countries.

The country became a net exporter of food grains

The Green Revolution brought a radical change in agriculture in India. Where earlier most of the agriculture was rain-fed, now crops are grown every season. Steps like developing the market and Minimum Support Price (MSP) strengthened the hands of the farmers. India has now become a net exporter of food grains. There has been a huge jump in the availability and production of all the products of daily consumption.

Huge jump in exports

foodgrain export

India had been a net importer of food grains for a long time. But now our country has become a net exporter of food grains. India’s food grain export data shows that it was negative from 1951 to 1981. After this, in the year 1991, net exports turned positive. After this, it increased significantly during the year 2001 to 2020. As per the data, the country’s net grain exports stood at -4.8 million tonnes in the year 1951. This has now increased to 5.9 million tonnes (59 lakh tonnes) in the year 2020.


milk production in India

Milk production of the country has also registered a steady jump over time. In 1950-51, the country’s milk production was only 17 million tonnes (17 million tonnes). It has increased to 198.4 million tonnes in the year 2019-20.

Huge jump in egg production

egg production in India

Over time, the country has also progressed a lot in terms of egg production. In the year 1950-51, the figure of egg production in India was 1832 million. It reached 1,14,383 million in the year 2019-20.

Fish production

Fish production in India

India has also progressed very fast in terms of fish production. In the year 1950-51, the country’s fish production was 752 thousand tonnes. It increased to 14,070 thousand tonnes in the year 2019-20.